What is SEO? & Simple steps to do a website SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your site or product to get more traffic from Google, Bing, and other major search engines. It seems like an easy thing to do, but some people make it look complicated!

There are many things that can affect how well you optimize your website, so here we will go over what is considered basic SEO knowledge and anything beyond that is part of advanced SEO.

We will also talk about why SEO matters and how much money you can earn with this practice. This article will be very motivational for anyone who wants to start investing in their online presence or someone looking to improve their current SEO game.

Basic SEO includes such things as making sure your URL is descriptive, ensuring appropriate keywords are included in your domain, linking to relevant pages and products, and creating content users want to read. Beyond these, there are a few tricks used by professional SEOs.

What is the search engine?

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Recent developments in technology have led to the creation of what we now refer to as a search engine. Before the advent of Google, there were only a few ways to find information online. You had to use an established search tool like Yahoo or Bing, or use some type of social media platform that would show you results from people with similar interests to yours.

Nowadays, you don’t need to go through this process. With the help of advanced software and algorithms, the top companies designed their own special way to connect users to the content they want to see. Users look up keywords related to the content they want and the engine finds your website that has enough quality material about those terms!

It sounds simple, right? But creating a site that will do well in this system takes time and effort. This is why it is important to know what types of content perform best for your website and what strategies can be used to improve your SEO (search engine optimization) game.

What are keywords?

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Keywords are just words, but they’re not like most other words. When you use keywords effectively, they become integral parts of your site or app’s identity and navigation.

By thinking about how to optimize your website for search engines, you’ll focus on creating content and features that appeal to people looking for specific things. Your website will then “tell” Google what those things are!

Keyword research is one of the most important steps in optimizing an online space. Finding which keywords will bring in the most traffic is very much like buying groceries – you want to have enough to feed yourself and your family, but only the necessary ingredients.

Just as with food, too many keywords can be a waste of time and money. Too few and your audience won’t find what they’re looking for while investing in low-quality targeted terms could earn you little else than frustration.

There are several ways to do keyword research. Some say doing it directly through Google is the best way, but we think there’s more value in using third-party apps and services that offer additional functionality like Ubersuggest.

How can I use keywords for successful SEO?

keyword research

Keywords are probably one of the most important parts of any successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. If you’re reading this article, then you already know that. But how to use them effectively and how many are needed for success is something we must address.

The keyword or phrase used in SEO content should be relevant to your website topic and should be focused and succinct. Too often we see sites with large amounts of keyword-filled junk text that nobody actually looks at because they look like random advertisements or pure fluff.

Too much emphasis is placed on using as many keywords as possible without thinking about whether these words make sense and relate to your site’s content. This can sometimes backfire by making your content seem unnatural or promotional.

Some experts say a good rule of thumb is to create your own unique brand online. By incorporating yourself into the community, people will associate those qualities with quality material and information. Your followers and fans will trust you more if you aren’t trying hard to push a product or service on them.

How to start a website?

Business people analyzing marketing reports Business people analyzing marketing reports. Managers presenting diagrams vector illustration. Business and analysis concept for banner, website design or landing web page websites making stock illustrations

Starting your own business is always a good idea, but starting your own online business is even better! Creating an online store or website is one of the easiest ways to begin investing in yourself by offering your services to others.

Businesses that thrive are ones that people visit regularly, so making sure your site gets some traffic is important for success. While there are many different factors involved in how to gain web traffic, one of the most important is search engine optimization (SEO).

What is SEO?

SEO is the activity of optimizing your website or online store to make it more easily found through popular search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! These sites use algorithms to determine which pages are displayed as a result of a given keyword or keywords.

By being pro-social, engaging, educational, and relevant, you can increase engagement, interest, education, and purchases from your audience. This helps improve your site’s ranking in search results!

There are several strategies to optimize your site for SEO, but the two main categories are Onsite Optimization and Offsite Marketing. Let’s dive into each one in detail.

Creating a website

Starting from choosing your domain name to editing your website’s content, creating an online presence is a lot like producing a book.

Just as you need to pick a genre and audience for a novel, you must choose a niche and thematic tone for your website. You will then have to research and write about products and services in your field, and finally, you will have to market yourself and your product or service.

All of these steps are part of what people refer to as “SEO” — search engine optimization.

The term comes from the early days when most people accessed the internet through browser-based applications such as Google or Yahoo! Nowadays, however, it has evolved into something more specific than just optimizing a page or article for a given search query.

Today, SEO focuses on making your site accessible to both users and search engines. This includes ensuring that your web pages contain the right information, using relevant keywords, linking to related pages, and updating your social media profiles.

It also means making sure that your website looks professional and attractive, which helps create a positive user experience. When done well, this can boost your popularity and traffic…and thus, revenue.

Getting a website up and running

Starting your web search engine optimization (SEO) journey is not very difficult. All you need to do is make sure that your website functions properly, and then start optimizing it for online visibility!

That means ensuring your site’s navigation is easy to find, investing in quality content to promote engagement, and looking into basic SEO strategies like keyword research and density.

By using these tools, you can begin improving your own site’s performance and finding new ways to market yourself or your business. It’s also important to remember that SEO changes over time, so stay at least halfway knowledgeable by reading about current practices and tips.

Designing your website

When you want to increase traffic to your site, or you just want people to find your site when they search for products or services like yours, then optimizing your website design is an important part of the process.

One of the first things that most companies lose track of during their website redesign is how well their online presence is optimized in terms of search engine exposure.

This can be tricky to achieve because as websites evolve, what worked and played well two years ago may no longer apply today.

It’s very common to start up with a good-looking theme or template and add lollipop features onto it to make it more unique. But aside from being ugly, this may have limited the effectiveness of these new additions.

Why? Because many pre-built themes come bundled with lots of plugins and/or widgets — mostly designed for advertising or marketing. These are great tools for pushing out content quickly, but not necessarily for improving your ranking in search engines.

And while backlinks are still one of the biggest factors in determining where your website ranks, establishing new links can be quite difficult if you don’t have much content yet.

Getting a domain name

The domain name of a website plays a role in search engine optimization (SEO) as it is one of the factors that search engines consider when ranking websites in search results. Domain names are like your own personal URLs for websites. For example, if you wanted to create a website using Google as your search engine, your URL would be https://www-google.com/.  A domain can be anything, but typically includes your company’s name or some clever way of referencing what service you provide (i.e., “seocompanyname.com”).

Here are some ways in which a domain name can impact SEO:

  • Keywords: Including relevant keywords in the domain name can help improve the website’s ranking in search results. For example, a website selling shoes might have a domain name such as “www.bestshoesstore.com” rather than “www.store123.com.
  • Branding: It’s important to choose a domain name that is relevant to the website’s content, easy to remember, and aligns with the business’s branding. By considering these factors, businesses can improve their website’s ranking in search results and attract more potential customers and help them to find the website in the future.
  • Trustworthiness: A domain name that is too long or difficult to spell may be less trustworthy in the eyes of users and search engines.

Free illustrations of Domain

  • Extension: The extension of the domain name (such as .com, .net, or .org) can also impact the website’s ranking in search results. The most common extensions are .com,.org,.net, and others. But you can add any word you want after the domain, so not all domains have an extension. It depends on how your browser interprets the domain name. In general, .com extensions are considered to be more trustworthy and are given more weight in search results. Most people use www at the start of their domain, making the fully qualified domain something like www.yoursite.com. This is called the domain without the extension (or top-level domain, aka TLD).

Finding a good domain requires doing research. Make sure to look at both free sites and paid sites to see which one sounds the best. You do not need to buy the domain immediately, although it should be YourSite.com, CompanyName.com, or something close. Once you find a good domain, there is an easy way to get it! There are many places online where you can purchase a domain directly from them.

How to do SEO on a website?

After purchasing a domain name, there are several steps that businesses can take to optimize it for search engine optimization (SEO). Here are some next steps to consider:

  1. Set up a hosting account: A hosting account is required to store and serve the website’s files and content. There are various hosting options available, such as shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting.
  2. Install a CMS: A content management system (CMS) is a platform that allows users to easily manage and update the website’s content. Popular CMS options include WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.
  3. Set up a website: Once the hosting account and CMS are set up, the next step is to design and set up the website. This can involve choosing a website template, customizing the design, and adding content and features such as images, videos, and forms.
  4. Optimize the website’s content: It’s important to optimize the website’s content for relevant keywords and phrases, as well as for the user experience. This can involve conducting keyword research, creating high-quality and informative content, and optimizing the title and header tags.
  5. Build high-quality external links: Off-page optimization is an important part of SEO, and building high-quality external links to the website can help improve its ranking in search results. This can be done through tactics such as guest blogging, link building, and social media marketing.
  6. Track and analyze data: It’s important to track and analyze data to understand the effectiveness of SEO efforts. Tools such as Google Analytics and SEMrush can be used to track website traffic, conversions, and other important metrics.

By following these steps, businesses can optimize their new domain name and improve its ranking in search results. It’s important to regularly review and update these strategies to ensure they are aligned with the latest trends and best practices in the industry.


In conclusion, search engine optimization (SEO) is an important aspect of digital marketing that helps businesses improve the visibility and ranking of their websites in search engine results pages (SERPs). By optimizing the website’s technical elements, content, and external links, businesses can make their websites more attractive to search engines and users, and improve their ranking for relevant keywords and phrases.

Businesses can optimize their websites for SEO, by conducting keyword research, creating high-quality and informative content, optimizing the title and header tags, and building high-quality external links. It’s also important to track and analyze data to understand the effectiveness of the SEO efforts and make any necessary adjustments.