13 Important Types of Keywords You Need to Know for Better SEO: A Complete Overview

Keywords, keywords, keywords – they’re the bread and butter of SEO. There are so many different types of terms you will come across that it can be tough to know where to start. Keyword research can be a daunting task, but it’s crucial for the success of your website.

But did you know that not all keywords are created equal? There are 13 types of keywords that you should be aware of when creating your content. From broad and general to specific and targeted, each type serves a different purpose in your SEO strategy. Broad keyword phrases include ‘healthy eating’ or ‘how to make healthier choices’, whereas smaller size-specific ones may be like ‘find healthy snacks for kids under 10 years old”.

By adding appropriate keywords to your online content, you give your website an additional boost by ensuring that your target audience finds what they are looking for. You can also use them to gain new followers on social media sites, run targeted ads, and create rich snippets which help improve your SEO.

There are two main reasons why having plenty of relevant keywords is so important. First, most websites get paid per click (CPC) through search engines such as Google or Bing. The higher the number of clicks your site receives from searchers, the greater chance you have of earning money. Second, even if people don’t click on your site directly, they may type your keywords in at some later stage to find something else – this could lead to indirect income!

13 Different types of Keywords

It’s not just about cramming as many relevant words into your content as possible. In this article, we’re going to break down the 13 types of keywords and give you the lowdown on how to use them to boost your online visibility.

Short-tail keywords

The first type of keyword is what we refer to as short-tail keywords, descriptive keywords, or head keywords. They are single-word or two-word phrases that are highly general and broad, they describe your product or service, such as “vlogging camera” for digital video cameras. They are the most basic type of keywords and the ones that people most commonly use when they start a search.

For example, if someone is searching for a new car, they might use the short-tail keyword “car.” This keyword is broad and could bring up search results for a wide variety of car-related content, from car reviews to car dealerships to car shows.

Short-tail keywords help people find you online via search engines. By optimizing for these types of keywords, you increase your website’s exposure in both direct and indirect ways.

Directly, through the use of said keyword within the article, web page, or advertisement, you gain visibility for your content or advertising material. Indirectly, other sites that contain those keywords will link to them, spreading your message and influence through their own social media profiles and websites.

The Effectiveness of Short-Tail Keywords for SEO

Short-tail keywords are effective in driving high volumes of traffic to your website. They are often used in the early stages of the customer journey when people are still in the research phase and trying to understand the different options available to them. However, the high competition and low specificity of short-tail keywords make it difficult to rank for them, hence the traffic driven by these keywords will be less targeted and less likely to convert into sales or leads. It’s also harder to target a specific audience with short-tail keywords.

Pros & Cons of Using Short-Tail Keywords


  • High search volume
  • Wide reach
  • Good for driving traffic


  • Highly competitive
  • Difficult to rank for
  • Less specific targeting

Short-tail keywords are best used in combination with other types of keywords to make your SEO strategy more effective.

Long-tail keywords

Long-Tail Keywords: The Low-Hanging Fruit of SEO

When it comes to keywords, you may have heard the term “long-tail” being thrown around a lot. But what exactly are they, and why are they so important for SEO?

First things first, let’s define what a long-tail keyword is. Simply put, it’s a longer and more specific keyword phrase that people use when searching for something online. 

For example, instead of just searching for “shoes,” someone might search for “best leather shoes for women” or “best leather shoes for women in Los Angeles” to attract a specific audience who are more likely to be interested in their content and products.

The Characteristics of Long-Tail Keywords:

  • They’re longer and more specific than short-tail keywords (like “shoes” instead of “best vegan leather shoes for women”)
  • They’re usually more targeted toward a specific audience or niche
  • They’re less competitive than short-tail keywords, which means they’re less likely to be used by big brands or other websites
  • They’re typically more conversational and natural-sounding
  • They tend to have a lower search volume than short-tail keywords

Why Long-Tail Keywords are Effective for SEO

Long-tail keywords are considered one of the most effective types of keywords for SEO because they are less competitive than short-tail keywords, and more specific and targeted They can help to drive highly targeted and relevant traffic to your website. This is because people who use long-tail keywords are usually more specific in their search and are more likely to convert into customers.

For example, a blog that focuses on the vegan lifestyle might use long-tail keywords like “best vegan leather shoes for women” or “vegan meal delivery services

Pros and Cons of Long-Tail Keywords


  • They’re less competitive and easier to rank for
  • They’re more targeted and can help to drive more relevant traffic to your website
  • They tend to be more conversational and reflect the natural language of the user, which makes your content more relevant and useful
  • They can help to convert website visitors into customers or clients
  • They can help to improve the relevance and usability of your content, which will help to improve your SEO


  • They tend to have a lower search volume than short-tail keywords, which means they may not drive as much traffic to your website
  • It can be difficult to identify the long-tail keywords that are relevant to your business and your target audience
  • You may need to use a lot of long-tail keywords to drive the same amount of traffic as a single short-tail keyword

Customer defining keywords

“Customer Defining Keywords: The Key to Unlocking Your Target Audience”

When it comes to SEO, one of the most important things you can do is to understand your target audience and what they’re searching for. That’s where customer-defining keywords come in. These are keywords that help you zero in on the specific needs and wants of your target customers.

Characteristics of customer-defining keywords:

  • They are often long-tail keywords
  • They are specific and relevant to your product or service
  • They focus on customer needs and pain points
  • They can include location, demographic, and other qualifiers
  • They are used in the title, meta description, and throughout the content

For example, let’s say you own a bakery that specializes in gluten-free and vegan cakes. Your customer-defining keywords might include phrases like “gluten-free vegan birthday cake,” “vegan gluten-free wedding cake” or “gluten-free vegan cupcakes near me.” These keywords are specific to your target audience (people with gluten allergies) and address their specific needs (finding gluten-free cakes).

Why are customer-defining keywords effective for SEO?

  • They help you target specific, high-converting customers
  • They can increase your website’s visibility in search results
  • They can improve the user experience by providing relevant content

However, like any other strategy, customer-defining keywords have some pros and cons.


  • They help you to attract the right kind of visitors
  • They can improve the click-through rate of your website
  • They can increase the conversion rate of your website


  • They can be time-consuming to research and implement
  • They can be hard to compete for if there is a lot of competition
  • They may not perform well if your website is not optimized for them

Customer-defining keywords are a powerful tool for improving your SEO and reaching your target audience. By understanding and utilizing these types of keywords, you can improve your website’s visibility in search results and increase conversions. But it’s important to remember that it’s not a one-time process and it requires continuous research and optimization. While they may take more time and effort to research, the benefits they bring in terms of targeting your audience and improving search engine visibility are worth the effort.

Product defining keywords

“Product Defining Keywords: The Secret to Boosting Your SEO”

When it comes to SEO, product-defining keywords are a game-changer, they are like the cherry on top of your content sundae. These keywords are specifically related to the products or services you offer and can help search engines understand what your business is all about and make it more likely for people to find you when they’re searching for something related to your products or services.

For example, if you run an online clothing store, product-defining keywords for a specific dress could be “Flower printed midi dress” or “Summer dress collection”

Characteristics of Product Defining Keywords

  • They are specific to the products or services your business offers
  • They are relevant to the topic of your website
  • They are used to target specific search terms
  • They are used in the headlines, body content, and meta tags

How Product-Defining Keywords are Effective for SEO

Product-defining keywords help search engines understand the specific products or services that your website offers, making it more likely to show up in search results when people are searching for those products or services.

They also help to attract highly qualified traffic to your website, as people searching for specific products or services are more likely to convert into customers or clients.

Product-defining keywords can also help to improve your website’s visibility in local search results, as they can include location-based keywords such as city or region.

Pros and cons of Product Defining Keywords


  • Target-specific search terms
  • Improve click-through rate
  • Increase conversion rate
  • Help search engines understand the focus of your business


  • Limited use in the content
  • May not be used for other purposes
  • Overuse may lead to keyword stuffing
  • They can be hard to come up with, especially if your products or services are unique or niche
  • Expensive to target through paid advertising
  • Time-consuming to research and implement

Short-term fresh keywords

Short-term fresh keywords, also known as “hot keywords” or “trending keywords,” are keywords that are currently popular in search queries. They are considered fresh keywords as they are new and relevant to the recent happenings in the market. These keywords are often used by businesses and marketers to capitalize on the latest trends and capitalize on the current interest of the audience. They are a great way to get more traffic to your website in a short period of time, as they are being searched for by a lot of people.

However, it’s important to note that short-term fresh keywords can be highly volatile and can change quickly. It’s essential to keep an eye on the trending topics in your industry and adapt your SEO strategy accordingly.

For example, if there is a new iPhone launch, the short-term fresh keywords would be “New iPhone”, “iPhone launch” or “latest iPhone model” as people will be searching for these keywords to know more about the new product and its features. By optimizing for these keywords, a website can expect to get a good amount of traffic from people who are interested in the new product.


  • A high volume of traffic
  • Relevant to current events and new product launches
  • Can be an effective way to drive conversions


  • Highly competitive
  • Difficult to rank for
  • Time-sensitive and can be irrelevant after a certain period

Long-term evergreen keyword

Long-term evergreen keywords, also known as long-tail keywords, are phrases that consist of more than three words, “best running shoes for flat feet” and “how to make homemade pizza dough” are both long-term evergreen keywords. They are considered more specific and targeted keywords in SEO, as they provide a lot of specificities.

Long-term evergreen keywords are great for driving targeted traffic to your website, as they are often used in more specific search queries. They are also a great way to build a solid foundation for your SEO efforts, as they tend to have a steady search volume over time and less competition compared to short-tail keywords.

One example of a long-term evergreen keyword is “how to create a budget plan” – This keyword is specified, and it provides a lot of information about the topic of budgeting. It’s a popular keyword for many websites and blogs that write about personal finance and budgeting, as it’s a topic that is always relevant and searched for. By optimizing for this keyword, a website can expect a steady flow of traffic from people searching for budgeting tips.


  • Targeted traffic
  • Less competition
  • Steady search volume over time


  • Less traffic compared to short-tail keywords

Geo-targeted keywords

Geo-Targeted Keywords: The Local SEO Game-Changer”

When it comes to SEO, keywords are the backbone of any good strategy. But did you know that there’s a specific type of keyword that can give your local SEO a boost? Enter geo-targeted keywords. These bad boys are all about location, location, location. They’re designed to help search engines understand that your content is relevant to a specific geographic area, which can help you show up in search results for people searching for products or services in your area.

For example, let’s say you’re a pizza place in New York City. Instead of just using general keywords like “pizza” or “best pizza“, by using geo-targeted keywords like “NYC pizza,” “best pizza in Manhattan,” or “pizza delivery near me,” you’re telling search engines that your content is relevant to people searching for pizza in New York City. This can give you a leg up in local search results and bring in more customers from your area.

But it’s not just pizza places that can benefit from geo-targeted keywords. Any business with a physical location can use them to improve its local SEO. Hair salons, retail stores, and even service-based businesses like plumbers and electricians can all benefit from using geo-targeted keywords.

So, if you’re looking to improve your local SEO and attract more customers from a specific location, it’s time to get specific with geo-targeted keywords. Start thinking about where your target audience is searching from and include those locations in your keywords. Trust me, your search engine rankings and your customers will thank you.

Competitive keywords

“Competitive Keywords: The Key to Staying Ahead of the Game”

Competitive keywords are keywords that are commonly used by your competitors in their SEO strategy. These keywords are highly searched for by users and are used by businesses in your industry to drive traffic to their websites. Knowing what competitive keywords your competitors are using can give you an edge in your own SEO strategy. By targeting these keywords, you can outsmart your competitors and drive more traffic to your own website.

For example, if you’re a clothing company that specializes in sustainable fashion, you might research your competitors to see what keywords they’re using. If you find that they’re using keywords like “sustainable fashion,” “ethical clothing,” and “organic cotton,” you can use these same keywords in your own SEO strategy. This will help you to compete with your competitors and drive more traffic to your website.

It’s important to note that these keywords are not only used by direct competitors but also by other websites that are targeting similar audience, it could be an online marketplace, news website, or even a blog.

Effectiveness for SEO:

Websites like Google and Yahoo! use algorithms to determine which sites appear in the top positions of a search result. This is where competition comes in – if another website similar to yours appears higher in the list, then people may choose to visit theirs instead. Or they could click through to yours since it’ll be more informative or helpful than the other one.

Having high-ranking competitors, creates a positive influence on traffic. In fact, some say that just looking at the rankings can give an indication of how successful a business will do during a season.

Businesses use such information to strengthen their online presence and increase engagement. This, in turn, helps grow their audience and revenue. While they may not be as effective as other types of keywords, it’s worth considering including them in your SEO strategy.

However, it’s crucial to conduct proper research and analysis of the competition to identify the keywords they are using and how they are using them, this will help you to tailor your strategy to outrank them.

LSI keywords

LSI keywords: The Secret Sauce for Perfectly Optimized Content”

LSI keywords, or Latent Semantic Indexing keywords, are words and phrases related to your main keyword. They help search engines understand the context of your content and determine if it’s relevant to a user’s search query. LSI keywords are important for SEO because they can help to improve the ranking of your content and increase the chances of it showing up in search results.

For example, if your main keyword is “dog grooming,” LSI keywords might include “dog hair trimming,” “dog shedding,” “dog shampoo,” and “dog grooming tools.” These words and phrases help search engines understand that your content is about dog grooming and not just dogs in general.


  • Related to the main keyword
  • Provide context and meaning to the content
  • Help search engines understand the topic of the content
  • Used in titles, descriptions, and tags
  • Used to improve the overall SEO of a website
  • May be difficult to find

Effectiveness for SEO:

LSI keywords are very effective for SEO because they help search engines understand the context and meaning of your content. They also help to improve the chances of your content showing up in search results for related keywords. This can help to increase traffic to your website and improve your SEO.

Intent targeting keywords

“Intent Targeting Keywords: The Key to Unlocking Your Audience’s Needs”

Intent targeting keywords are a type of keyword that help you understand the intent behind a user’s search. They are phrases that give insight into what the user wants to achieve by searching for a particular term, whether it’s to purchase a product, find information, or something else. By understanding the intent behind a search, you can tailor your content to better meet the needs of your audience.

For example, if someone is searching for “how to train for a marathon,” the intent behind the search is to find information on how to train for a marathon. On the other hand, if someone is searching for “best marathon training programs,” the intent behind the search is to find the best training programs available.


  • They focus on understanding the user’s intent
  • Used to tailor the content to meet the user’s needs
  • Used to attract the right audience
  • Used to improve the chances of conversion
  • Used in titles, descriptions, and tags
  • May be difficult to find
  • May not be as effective as other types of keywords

Effectiveness for SEO:

Intent-targeting keywords are very effective for SEO because they help you understand the intent behind the user’s search query. This allows you to tailor your content to meet their needs and attract the right audience. This can help to increase traffic to your website and improve your SEO.

Negative keywords

“Negative Keywords: The Key to Avoiding Unwanted Traffic”

Negative keywords are a type of keyword that you can use to prevent your ads from showing up for certain search terms. These keywords are terms that you don’t want your ads to be associated with, and they help to avoid unwanted traffic and wasted ad spend.

For example, if you’re a wedding photographer and you don’t want your ads to show up for people searching for “free wedding photography,” you would add “free” as a negative keyword. This would prevent your ads from showing up for people searching for free wedding photography and save you money on wasted ad spend.


  • They are used to prevent ads from showing up for certain search terms
  • They are used to avoid unwanted traffic
  • They are used to save ad spend
  • They are used in ad campaigns
  • They are used to filter out irrelevant traffic

Effectiveness for SEO: Negative keywords are very effective for SEO because they help you filter out irrelevant traffic and save ad spend. They also help to avoid unwanted traffic and wasted ad spending, which can help to improve your overall SEO.

While they may be difficult to find and require research to find the right keywords, they’re definitely worth considering when optimizing your ad campaigns.

It is also important to note that Negative keywords are not used in content optimization but rather in ad campaigns, so it’s essential to use them in advertising platforms like Google Ads, Bing Ads, and so on. These keywords help to ensure that your ad is only showing up to people who are genuinely interested in your products or services. By using negative keywords, you can save money on ad spend and drive more targeted traffic to your website.

Navigational keywords

“Navigational Keywords: The GPS for Your Website or the Key to Helping Your Visitors Find What They’re Looking For”

Navigational keywords are a type of keyword that is used to help visitors navigate your website. These keywords are typically used in the links, buttons, main menu, navigation bar, and other elements of your website and are used to help visitors find what they’re looking for.

For example, if someone is looking for a specific product on Amazon, they might use a navigational keyword like “amazon.com/product-name” to navigate directly to that product’s page on the Amazon website.


  • They are used in links, buttons, and other elements of your website
  • They help users navigate through your website
  • They help users find the information they’re looking for
  • They are used to improve the user experience
  • They are used to make your website more user-friendly

Effectiveness for SEO:

Navigational keywords are very effective for SEO because they help users navigate through your website and find the information they’re looking for. They also help to improve the user experience, which can help to increase traffic to your website and improve your overall SEO. They also help search engines understand the structure of your website and how the pages are related to each other, which can improve your website’s visibility in search results. While they may be difficult to find and require research to find the right keywords, they’re definitely worth considering when optimizing your website’s navigation.

Descriptive keywords

“Descriptive Keywords: The Key to Painting a Picture with Your Words”

When optimizing your website for search engines, descriptive keywords help to paint a picture of what your content is about. These keywords are used to describe the main topic of your content and provide more information about it.

For example, if you’re writing an article about “best hiking trails in Yosemite National Park,” some descriptive keywords might include “scenic views,” “waterfalls,” “mountain vistas,” “wildlife,” and so on. These keywords help to describe the main topic of the article and provide more information about it.

Descriptive keywords are an essential tool for SEO as they help to paint a picture of what your content is about. This can help search engines understand the topic of your content and make it more likely to show up in search results. They also help to improve the overall SEO of a website by providing more information about the content. While they may be difficult to find and require research to find the right keywords, they’re definitely worth considering when optimizing your content.


And that’s a wrap friends! In this article, we’ve covered 13 different types of keywords that can help improve your SEO. We’ve discussed how each type of keyword serves a different purpose and how understanding them can help you better target your audience and improve your visibility in search results. And don’t forget, that there are plenty of tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz Keyword Explorer out there to help you find the right keywords for your content. Because it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest SEO strategies and tools to ensure that your website is reaching its full potential. So, always keep on experimenting with different types of keywords and tools to find the perfect combination that works for you. Now, go forth and conquer the world of SEO!”.