15 Most Popular On-page SEO Tools: Maximizing Your Website’s Potential

If you’re looking to maximize your website’s potential and rank high on search engines, then you need to focus on your on-page SEO. On-page SEO is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization that involves optimizing your website’s content and structure to ensure it ranks well in search engine results pages. To make the most of your on-page SEO, you’ll need to use the best tools available in the market.

In this article, we’ll take you through 15 of the best on-page SEO tools available, along with their features and benefits, to help you choose the right ones for your website. From keyword research to content optimization and analysis, these tools will help you achieve your SEO goals and reach your target audience.

The following are 15 of the best on-page SEO tools available to help optimize your website’s content and improve your search engine rankings.

On-page SEO Tools


Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO platform that offers a range of marketing tools to help you optimize your website. Although it provides features such as rank tracking, keyword research, content optimization, competitor analysis, site audits, and more. Ahrefs truly stands out in its link analysis and tracking capabilities.

The Power of Ahrefs Link Checker

Ahrefs’ link checker is ranked as the second most active web crawler after Google. It has built up an extensive database of over 30.39 trillion links across more than 170 million domains and counting, scanning 5.83 billion web pages per day.

This powerful database supports both off-page and on-page link analysis, enabling you to examine even the state of your internal links. Ahrefs is the perfect tool for discovering and fixing broken internal links, internal link redirects, deep-linked important pages, and poor internal link structures.

Ahrefs’ Link Checker Features

Ahrefs’ link checker tool provides a range of useful features, including:

  • Orphan Page Analysis
  • Deep-Linked Important Pages Review
  • Redirected Page Discovery
  • Broken Internal Page Identification

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Keyword research is critical to any SEO campaign, as it provides a target to aim for and allows you to optimize your on-page SEO for that goal. However, keyword research can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you only have the Google AdWords tool.

Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer offers a solution to this problem. It allows you to find new keywords to target, shows you all of the backlink data for the ranking pages, and even provides a single score to make comparing keywords easier.

The Magic of Ahrefs Keyword Tool

What sets Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer apart is its ability to help you find new keywords without requiring a list of seed keywords. You can input a domain and see a report of different keywords that your competitors rank for. This feature is ideal for businesses that cover a range of topics or services. Additionally, Ahrefs offers a great option to see similar keywords that existing pages rank for. With this, you can submit a single seed keyword and see other keywords that ranking pages also rank for.

Pricing for Ahrefs

Ahrefs offers a 7-day trial for $7, after which you can upgrade to the Lite package for $99 per month or pay at least $179 to start accessing a full suite of on-page SEO tools.


SEMrush is an all-in-one digital marketing platform that offers a wide range of tools and features for businesses to optimize their online presence. From keyword research to content optimization and analysis, SEMrush provides a comprehensive suite of tools for businesses to improve their search engine visibility, drive traffic, and increase conversions.

Keyword Research

One of the standout features of SEMrush is its powerful keyword research tool. With this tool, businesses can easily identify profitable keywords and analyze the competition for those keywords. It provides a wealth of data, including search volume, keyword difficulty, CPC, and more, to help businesses make informed decisions about their SEO strategy.

Competitive Analysis

SEMrush also offers a powerful competitive analysis tool, which allows businesses to see how their website stacks up against their competitors. With this tool, businesses can analyze the backlink profiles of their competitors, identify their top-performing pages, and gain insights into their overall SEO strategy.

On-Page Optimization

SEMrush also provides a range of on-page optimization tools to help businesses optimize their website’s content for better search engine visibility. Its Content Analyzer tool provides in-depth analysis of individual pages, including keyword usage, content length, and more. The On-Page SEO Checker tool analyzes entire websites and provides recommendations for improving on-page SEO factors.

Backlink Analysis

SEMrush’s backlink analysis tool is another standout feature. It provides detailed insights into a website’s backlink profile, including the number of backlinks, the quality of those backlinks, and the anchor text used in those backlinks. With this information, businesses can identify areas for improvement and develop a strong link-building strategy.


SEMrush also offers a range of reporting tools to help businesses track their progress and identify areas for improvement. Its Position Tracking tool allows businesses to track their keyword rankings over time, while its Site Audit tool provides a comprehensive analysis of a website’s technical SEO factors.


SEMrush offers a range of pricing plans to suit businesses of all sizes, starting at $119.95 per month for the Pro plan and going up to $449.95 per month for the Business plan. Each plan offers a range of features and tools to help businesses optimize their online presence and stay ahead of the competition.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console (previously known as Webmaster Tools) is a free, must-have tool for website owners and webmasters. The tool offers valuable insights into your website’s performance and identifies potential issues that could be affecting your SEO efforts.

Coverage Section

One of the key features of the Google Search Console is the Coverage section, where you can find specific errors and issues with your website. This includes pages that are not being crawled, blocked by robots.txt, or have issues with redirects, 404 error pages, and duplicate content.

Mobile Usability

With the shift towards mobile-first indexing, mobile usability is a crucial aspect of on-page SEO. The Google Search Console has a special Mobile Usability feature that alerts you to any issues that need to be addressed to ensure your website is mobile-friendly.

Performance Analysis

The Google Search Console lets you examine your website’s performance according to the device type used to connect to your website, specifically desktop or mobile. You can also explore your website’s link profile, both external and internal, as well as the keywords users are finding your website with.

Security Alert

Google Search Console also includes an alert for security issues that have been detected, such as a hacked plugin that your CMS is using. This can help you stay on top of potential threats and take action before any major issues arise.

On-Page SEO Metrics

Google Search Console provides the most basic on-page SEO metrics from Google’s perspective. This includes revealing how the search engine has indexed your web pages, how you’ve been performing in the SERPs and any technical SEO problems that might hold you back.


The best part about Google Search Console? It’s 100% free. As a free on-page SEO tool, it offers tremendous value to website owners and webmasters looking to improve their website’s performance and SEO efforts.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a popular WordPress plugin that provides a range of on-page SEO tools to help website owners optimize their content for search engines. With over 5 million active installations, Yoast SEO is widely used and is considered one of the most comprehensive SEO plugins available for WordPress.

Installation and Setup

Yoast SEO is a free plugin that can be easily installed through the WordPress dashboard. Once installed, you can access the plugin settings to configure the options to your liking. The setup wizard will guide you through the process of setting up your site’s SEO options.

Content Optimization

One of the most important features of Yoast SEO is its content optimization functionality. When creating a new post or page, Yoast SEO provides you with real-time analysis of your content, highlighting areas that need improvement. This includes checking for the presence of the focus keyword in the page title, meta description, content, and URL.

The plugin also analyzes the readability of your content, providing you with suggestions for improving its structure, sentence length, and use of passive voice.

Technical SEO

Yoast SEO also provides a range of technical SEO features. This includes the ability to create and submit sitemaps to search engines, configure robot.txt files, and add canonical URLs to your pages.

The plugin also has a built-in redirect manager, which can help you manage and redirect any broken links on your website.

Additional Features Yoast SEO also has several other useful features, including:

  • Social media integration
  • Internal linking suggestions
  • Content analysis for multiple languages


Yoast SEO is a freemium plugin, which means it has both free and paid versions. The free version provides access to the majority of its features, while the paid version offers additional functionality, such as multiple focus keywords, content insights, and access to premium support.

Surfer SEO 

The Versatile and Extensive On-Page SEO Tool Surfer SEO is an all-in-one on-page SEO tool that offers a wide range of features and tools to optimize your website’s content for better search engine visibility. It is powered by artificial intelligence and automates most of the manual research processes of writing optimized content. Its versatility and extensive SEO features make it one of the best SEO tools available in the market.

SERP Analyzer

Comprehensive Analysis of Search Engine Results Surfer’s SERP Analyzer feature provides users with an in-depth analysis of the first-page search engine results for a particular keyword. It analyzes over 500 on-page signals and provides comprehensive SEO data, including ideal content length, keyword density, and frequency, number of headings and paragraphs, image count, and more. The tool even shows you the average number of links the top results contain, making it easier for you to develop a link-building and internal linking strategy.

Content Editor

The Ultimate Content Optimization Tool Surfer’s Content Editor is an excellent tool that helps optimize your content to make it rank higher in search engine results. It has an in-built outline builder that shows you the titles and headings of top-ranking results, making it easier for you to create an optimized outline. The tool also suggests questions that your target audience might be asking, based on search intent. You can use it to update existing content and identify gaps in your published content using the Audit tool.

Collaboration Made Easy

Shareable Links for Hassle-free Content Creation Surfer’s collaboration feature allows you to share a link to the Content Editor with freelance writers or your internal content team. It makes the process quick and hassle-free for whoever is working on the project. You can make suggested changes to optimize your content even further, and the tool will score your content out of 100 based on how optimized it is. It even highlights broken links so you can ensure all the links redirect to the web pages you want.


A Variety of Plans to Suit Your Needs Surfer offers a 7-day free trial, giving you a chance to test the tool before making a purchase. The tool’s pricing starts at $59 per month for the basic plan and goes up to $239 per month, depending on your needs. The pricing structure is flexible, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Moz Pro

Moz Pro is an all-in-one SEO tool suite that offers a range of features, including on-page optimization, site audits, rank tracking, backlink analysis, and keyword research, all accessible from one platform. It is a powerful SEO tool that provides the necessary insights to help you achieve your website’s SEO objectives.

On-Page Optimization Functionality

One of the most significant benefits of using Moz Pro is its on-page optimization functionality. This feature scans your website, identifies issues, and suggests improvements to existing content. Additionally, it offers ideas for new content based on other pages that rank for your targeted keywords. Moz Pro enables you to prioritize which pages to optimize first based on ranking potential or current optimization levels.

Keyword and Link Explorer

Moz Pro’s keyword explorer and link explorer tools provide critical information about your website’s SEO performance. The keyword explorer enables you to find relevant keywords that you can optimize your content for. It also shows you the search volume, difficulty level, and potential for ranking on the first page of search engines. The link explorer feature, on the other hand, analyzes your backlink profile, showing the number and quality of links pointing to your website.

Usage Limits and Pricing

Although Moz Pro is an excellent SEO tool, it has usage limits that are lower than some of its competitors, such as SE Ranking and Semrush. Moz Pro offers four pricing plans ranging from $99 to $599 per month. You can also try out the platform with a 30-day free trial.

Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is a popular on-page SEO tool that has gained a solid reputation for its comprehensive website crawling and analysis features. The tool is well-known for its ability to provide users with a detailed breakdown of their website’s on-page SEO performance, from identifying technical SEO issues to analyzing content optimization and backlinks.

Website Crawling and Analysis

One of the key features of Screaming Frog is its website crawling capabilities. It allows users to crawl and analyze every aspect of a website’s performance, including page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, URLs, and much more. This feature enables users to identify technical SEO issues that may be affecting their website’s search engines rankings, such as broken links, duplicate content, and missing metadata.

Keyword Analysis

Screaming Frog also provides users with the ability to analyze their website’s keyword performance. This feature allows users to identify the keywords and phrases that their website is currently ranking for, as well as the ones that they may be missing out on. Users can also track the ranking positions of their target keywords over time to monitor their SEO progress.

Content Optimization

The tool also features a content optimization section that allows users to analyze the content on their website to ensure that it is fully optimized for search engine rankings. This feature identifies opportunities for improving content, such as adding more internal links, using relevant keywords, and improving metadata.

Backlink Analysis

Screaming Frog also provides users with backlink analysis capabilities, allowing them to identify the quality and quantity of their website’s backlinks. Users can analyze the backlink profile of their website to identify areas that need improvement, such as broken links, low-quality links, or a lack of diversity in anchor text.


Screaming Frog offers both a free and a paid version of the tool. The free version is limited in terms of the number of pages that can be crawled, while the paid version offers unlimited crawling and additional features such as integration with Google Analytics and Search Console. The paid version starts at £149.00 per year for a single-user license.


RankMath is a powerful WordPress SEO plugin that provides an array of features to optimize your site’s content based on SEO best practices. This all-in-one plugin ensures that your website is optimized for search engines, without the need for multiple plugins.


RankMath is an all-encompassing plugin that covers content optimization, technical SEO audits, and local SEO optimization. It offers a detailed SEO analysis of your pages based on 30 known factors. The Content AI feature provides AI-generated suggestions as you type to help you deliver the best content.

Additionally, you can generate video sitemaps, add meta tags automatically, check your site and post ranks, and view all your Google Search Console settings right within WordPress. The plugin also allows you to add your Google Analytics tracking code to RankMath.

Ease of Use

RankMath is easy to use thanks to its automatic setup wizard, simple user interface, and well-categorized feature set. With this plugin, you can get started with optimizing your website for search engines in no time.


RankMath can be downloaded for free, and there are paid plans available as well. The Pro plan starts at $59 per year, the Business plan at $199 per year, and the Agency plan at $499 per year.


Frase is an all-in-one content workflow solution designed to streamline the entire content creation process, from planning and research to optimization and analytics. With its AI-powered templates and tools, Frase can help you generate high-quality, SEO-optimized content quickly and easily.

AI Templates and Autocomplete

One of Frase’s standout features is its AI-powered templates, which can help kickstart your content drafts with intelligent outlines, intros, and headings. Frase can even autocomplete your sentences and paraphrase your text to generate high-converting, SEO-optimized copy every time.

Content Optimization and Analytics

Frase’s content optimization and analytics tools make on-page SEO a breeze. The platform can benchmark your content against that of your competitors and identify high-ranking opportunities automatically, helping you optimize your content for maximum visibility and engagement.

Automated Content Briefs

Frase’s automated content briefs are another valuable tool for content creators. By generating well-researched guidelines for your drafts, you can save time and ensure that your content is based on the most relevant and up-to-date information.

Google Search Console Integration

Frase also integrates with Google Search Console, providing comprehensive content analytics to help you identify areas for improvement in your existing content. By analyzing your search performance and uncovering potential optimization opportunities, Frase can help you optimize your content for better rankings and increased traffic.


Frase offers a range of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets, starting at just $14.99 a month. Premium plans are available for larger teams and enterprises, and Frase’s SEO add-on provides access to additional monthly search volume, SERP data analytics, and unlimited use of the Frase AI writer for $35 a month.


GTmetrix is an on-page SEO tool that allows you to analyze the performance of your website. By using GTmetrix, you can identify issues with your website’s loading speed and take steps to optimize it for better performance.

Performance Analysis

The tool measures website speed and provides a detailed report on the page load time, page size, and requests made. It also shows a waterfall breakdown of each element on the page and how long it takes to load, allowing you to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

Optimization Recommendations

GTmetrix provides recommendations on how to improve your website’s performance. It gives you suggestions on how to optimize images, minify files, leverage browser caching, and reduce the number of requests made.

In addition, GTmetrix also provides insight into how your website performs across different browsers, locations, and devices. This information helps you tailor your website to specific audiences and ensure that it is optimized for all users.


GTmetrix also allows you to monitor your website’s performance over time. You can set up alerts to notify you when there are issues with your website’s loading speed or performance, giving you the opportunity to take action before it affects your website’s rankings.


GTmetrix offers a free version of the tool that provides basic website performance analysis. However, the paid plans offer more advanced features, including real-time monitoring, PDF reports, and priority support. Pricing plans start at $14.95 per month, with the option to add additional features for an extra fee.


Ubersuggest is an all-in-one SEO tool designed to help businesses and website owners grow their online presence. It offers a range of features to help users optimize their on-page SEO efforts, conduct keyword research, and analyze competitors’ content.

Keyword Research

With Ubersuggest, you can conduct comprehensive keyword research to find the right keywords to target for your content. It provides insights into keyword volume, difficulty, and cost-per-click (CPC) data, and allows you to view related keywords to expand your research.

Content Ideas and Analysis

Ubersuggest offers a range of tools to help users generate content ideas and analyze their existing content for optimization. It provides suggestions for long-tail keywords, as well as content ideas based on popular topics in your industry. You can also use Ubersuggest to analyze the content of your competitors to see what’s working well for them.

Site Audit

Ubersuggest’s site audit feature allows users to conduct a thorough analysis of their website’s on-page SEO. It provides a detailed report on any issues found on your website, including broken links, missing meta descriptions, and more. This information can then be used to optimize your website for search engines.

Backlink Analysis

Ubersuggest provides insights into your website’s backlink profile, allowing you to identify areas where you can improve your link-building efforts. You can view the backlinks of your competitors and analyze their link-building strategies as well.


Ubersuggest offers a free version of their tool, which includes basic features such as keyword research, content ideas, and site audit. Premium plans start at $12 per month and offer additional features such as historical data, competitor analysis, and backlink analysis. The tool also offers a “pay-as-you-go” pricing model for users who only need specific features on an as-needed basis.


Copyscape is an on-page SEO tool that allows you to check for duplicate content on your website and across the web. This tool is particularly useful for website owners and content creators who want to ensure that their content is original and not plagiarized.

How does it work?

To use Copyscape, you simply enter a URL or text into the search bar and hit search. The tool then scans the web to find any instances of matching content. It highlights any matches and provides links to the source pages so you can see where the duplicate content is coming from.

One thing to keep in mind is that Copyscape is not a substitute for manually checking your content. While the tool is great for quickly identifying duplicate content, it’s still important to review the results and ensure that any matches are addressed appropriately.


Copyscape offers a range of features to help you protect your content:

  1. Plagiarism checking – As mentioned, Copyscape scans the web for duplicate content and highlights any matches it finds.
  2. Batch search – Copyscape also allows you to search for duplicate content in batches, which is helpful if you have a large number of pages to check.
  3. Private index – Copyscape’s private index allows you to check for plagiarism on sites that are password-protected or behind a paywall.
  4. Premium service – Copyscape also offers a premium service that includes additional features such as deep search, which searches for copies of your content on pages that are not publicly indexed.


Copyscape offers both free and paid plans. The free plan allows you to check individual pages for plagiarism, while the paid plans offer additional features such as batch search and the private index. Pricing for the paid plans ranges from $9.95 to $149.95 per month, depending on the number of pages you want to check and the level of service you need.

Clearscope.io is an AI-powered on-page optimization tool that helps content creators to rank higher on search engines by analyzing their content and suggesting improvements.

Content Optimization

Clearscope.io works by analyzing your content and comparing it to top-ranking pages on search engines for your target keyword. It provides insights into what factors could help your content rank higher, such as the optimal number of words, keywords, and related terms to include.

Comprehensive Metrics

Clearscope.io offers a variety of metrics to help you understand how your content is performing. You can track things like readability, sentiment analysis, and topic modeling. You can also see how your content stacks up against your competitors’ content.

 AI-Powered Suggestions

Clearscope.io uses AI to generate suggestions for your content. It can provide you with a list of related terms and phrases to include, as well as suggestions for optimizing your headings, subheadings, and other content elements.

Integration with CMS

Clearscope.io integrates with popular content management systems like WordPress and HubSpot. You can use it to optimize your content directly from within your CMS, without having to switch to a different tool.


Clearscope.io offers collaboration features that allow multiple users to work on the same content. You can invite team members to review your content and provide feedback.


Clearscope.io offers three pricing plans: Basic, Pro, and Enterprise. The Basic plan starts at $350 per month and allows you to analyze up to 30 pieces of content per month. The Pro plan includes additional features like content briefs and a Google Docs add-on and starts at $1,000 per month. The Enterprise plan is customized to meet the needs of larger teams and enterprises.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights is a free online tool for website owners and developers looking to optimize their website’s performance. By providing detailed analysis and optimization recommendations, PageSpeed Insights can help you improve your website’s speed and provide a better user experience for your visitors.


  • Speed Analysis: PageSpeed Insights provides a detailed breakdown of your website’s loading speed, highlighting areas where your website can be optimized for faster load times.
  • Optimization Recommendations: Based on your website’s analysis, PageSpeed Insights generates a list of optimization recommendations to help you improve your website’s loading speed. These recommendations can include image compression, minification of CSS and JavaScript files, and leveraging browser caching.
  • Mobile-Friendly Analysis: PageSpeed Insights also checks to see if your website is mobile-friendly, and provides recommendations on how to improve the user experience for mobile visitors.
  • Performance Score: After analyzing your website, PageSpeed Insights provides an overall performance score out of 100, with higher scores indicating better performance.

How to Use

To use Google PageSpeed Insights, simply navigate to the PageSpeed Insights website and enter your website’s URL. PageSpeed Insights will analyze your website and generate a detailed report on your website’s speed and performance. From there, you can review the optimization recommendations and make changes to your website to improve its performance.

It’s important to note that while PageSpeed Insights is a great tool for analyzing your website’s speed and performance, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. There are other factors that can affect your website’s performance, such as server response time and website design. It’s important to consider all of these factors when optimizing your website for speed.

PageOptimizer Pro

PageOptimizer Pro, also known as POP, is an advanced on-page search engine optimization tool designed to help both individual copywriters and professional agencies create SEO-optimized content. With a unique and patented scoring system backed by more than 400 tests on Google’s SEO algorithm, POP provides users with a comprehensive solution to achieve high-ranking content.

Content Brief feature

One of the most notable features of PageOptimizer Pro is its Content Brief tool, which generates personalized SEO recommendations for your content. This tool provides users with a score to measure their content’s performance before going live. It helps identify the areas that need improvement and provides actionable insights to optimize your content.

Content Editor

The Content Editor feature in POP allows users to work on their content while receiving real-time recommendations on how to improve their content’s performance. POP’s unique ranking factor scoring system checks your content against more than 400 tests to produce the most optimized content.

Technical SEO suggestions

In addition to the Content Brief and Content Editor features, PageOptimizer Pro also provides suggestions for optimizing technical SEO factors such as keywords, header tags, schema, and LSI terms. This tool ensures that your content is optimized for search engines, helping it rank higher in search results.


PageOptimizer Pro offers affordable pricing plans starting from $27 a month, with premium plans providing unlimited reports at no extra cost. Users can also avail of

a 7-day free trial of the Basic plan to try out the tool’s features before subscribing.